Interview with Vic Gutierrez

Written by Joey Binay

­­­Vic Gutierrez is considered as one of the pillars/pioneers of the catholic charismatic movement in the Philippines.  He has co-founded Ligaya ng Panginoon, Couples for Christ, Familia and has acted as advisor to many other communities both here and abroad.

Here’s a peek on my conversation with him.

Q:  How did you get into “community”?

A:  “My first encounter really was in a Cursillio weekend when I was 26 years old.  However, there was no follow through so I went back to Manila, back to my work and easily back to my old ways and my old life.

A few years later and already married, Agnes & I said yes to an invitation to a charismatic prayer meeting.  It was an answer to a kind of longing which we both shared.

God never stops pursuing us.  In the charismatic gatherings, I met Fr. Herb Schneider.  And one day he invited us along with a few others to discuss plans brewing in our hearts.  Eventually, Ligaya ng Panginoon was born.  Then, Couples for Christ and later, FAMILIA.”


Q:  What was the inspiration behind the establishment of these communities?

A:  “The charismatic movement was growing but in my heart there was a burning question.  How can we become a Monday-to-Sunday Christian?  In today’s parlance, how can we become 24/7 Christians?

A nun told me that Europe is already identified as a mission area.  Oddly, Christianity started in Europe and needs to be brought back.  The family was disintegrating.

It was beginning to take shape.  God wants to revive & renew family life.  What made this even clearer to me was something I took as a sign.  I received a gift sometime in 1975.  It was a figurine of the Holy Family.”


Q:  What were the challenges you encountered then?

A:  We invited people and many came and attended.  One would think it was successful.  However, we saw also that the attendees were mostly women.   Maybe 80% women and 20% men.  It cannot be called family if the men/husbands are not there.  That was our challenge then and I believe this remains a challenge today.

But with the 20% men, we also found out that men only needed to see other men (especially those they know) in the gathering and they will also attend.  So, we experimented.

The goal was to introduce Jesus Christ into the social setting so the key was to invite young couples.  It was a very informal gathering and there was food, some music and friendly chatter.  For example, Agnes (my wife) and Yola (Pilar) were classmates so Yola, after some convincing, was able to bring her husband, (the late) Bobby Pilar to attend.

And so it was like that at the start.  Just a regular gathering of people with some common interest.

And then, we introduced God’s word in the light of what is happening in the world.


Q:  I always thought that the “Familiaris Consortio” was unique to the FAMILIA Community because we seem to be the only ones referring to it constantly, is that right?

A:  “No, Joey.  The encyclical of St. Pope John Paul II is actually an exhortation where all catholic communities takes inspiration.  It is aligned with the desire to bring more souls, more families back to the plan of God.  Everyone recognizes the fact that we need to strengthen and rebuild the family as it is the basic unit of society and a pillar of the church.”

For example, it was out of a sense of duty to continue the mission in family life that FAMILIA was formed.  And just as LNP exercised “parenthood” to FAMILIA, it’s leaders must also exercise parenthood to it’s members.

Strengthening the family includes the proper exercise of both love and authority.  And by authority, I mean, we should do brotherly correction whenever necessary because of our love for one another.


Q:  What can you say about FAMILIA’s first 25 years?

A:  I believe that God is with FAMILIA.  God is with us.  Despite our many lapses and mistakes, we are still here.  We are still strong, steady and growing.  God has never left us and God will never leave us.

Over the years we have seen God’s hand in our community and the lives of our members.  God’s love has been seen from what seems small and insignificant moments as well as in big events.

We can take a few snapshots, put them together and see the action of God among his people.  We have seen how God cares for our livelihood, God cares to help us in our work responsibility,  God cares for life and death matters,  God continues to intervene in our daily lives – positive changes in people,  relationships restored and families and friends reconcile.  We have been witnesses to disasters and calamities like the Baguio bus accident or the super typhoons that hit the country and by His grace, troubles become opportunities to share, help, serve and love.


Q:  What are your dreams and prayer for FAMILIA?

A:  Two things.

One.  For FAMILIA to serve the whole church in forming more communities.  It can be different communities and not just our own.  FAMILIA can also be God’s instrument to help others be what they can be given their limitations and opportunities.

Two.  For FAMILIA to live up to our social responsibility in the larger church and community.  You see, the view of most communities is very myopic and focuses only on the kerygmatic proclamation/preaching of God’s word and forgets the issues of society.  Many people and communities give in to the “threat” of possible further division and so remains indifferent and quiet.

Remember, Jesus Christ came not just for our eternal destination but also for fullness of life in this world.  We pray it everyday in the Lord’s Prayer when we say ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name; Your kingdom come, you will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’

And is the will of God that we love Him in the concrete thru our neighbor.  The call is to Love your neighbor as yourself.  Who is your neighbor?”

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­­­Vic Gutierrez is considered as one of the pillars/pioneers of the catholic charismatic movement in the Philippines.  He has co-founded Ligaya ng Panginoon, Couples for

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